Researcher Database

Tanaka Shinya

Department of Economics Professor
Last Updated :2024/10/21

Researcher Information


    Department of Economics

Job Title

  • Professor

Research funding number

  • 80727149

J-Global ID

Research Interests

  • Economerics; Applied Econometrics; High-Dimensional Statistics   

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Economic statistics

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2023/10 - Today  Otaru University of CommerceDepartment of EconomicsProfessor
  • 2023/04 - 2023/09  Otaru University of CommerceDepartment of EconomicsAssociate Professor
  • 2018/04 - 2023/03  Aoyama Gakuin UniversityCollege of Economics Department of EconomicsAssociate Professor
  • 2014/04 - 2018/03  Otaru University of CommerceFaculty of Commerce Department of EconomicsAssociate Professor
  • 2013/04 - 2014/03  Special researcher of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


  • 2008/04 - 2013/03  Hitotsubashi University  Graduate School, Division of Economics  経済理論・経済統計専攻
  • 2005/04 - 2008/03  Hitotsubashi University  Graduate School, Division of Economics  経済理論・経済統計専攻
  • 2001/04 - 2005/03  Waseda University  Faculty of Political Science and Economics  経済学科
  • 1998/04 - 2001/03  早稲田大学本庄高等学院

Published Papers

  • Knockoff法による新しい高次元マクロ経済予測
    青山経済論集 青山学院大学経済学会 72 (4) 193 - 213 2021/03
  • 経済時系列データにおける非スパース化 Lasso にもとづく検定統計量の有限標本特性 ―シミュレーション分析による接近―
    青山経済論集 青山学院大学経済学会 71 (4) 41 - 56 2020/03
  • "High-dimensional Macroeconomic Forecasting and Variable Selection via Penalized Regression"
    Econometrics Journal Oxford University Press 22 (1) 34 - 56 2019/01 [Reviewed]
     Scientific journal
  • "Regularization Parameter Selection via Cross-Validation in the Presence of Dependent Regressors: A Simulation Study"
    Economics Bulletin 36 (1) 313 - 319 2016/03 [Reviewed]
     Scientific journal
  • Yohei Yamamoto; Shinya Tanaka
    Journal of Econometrics ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA 189 (1) 187 - 206 0304-4076 2015/11 [Reviewed]
     Scientific journal
  • "Identification of Approximate Factor Models through Heteroskedasticity"
    ResearchGate 2014/03
  • Shinya Tanaka; Eiji Kurozumi
    Economics Letters ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA 116 (3) 465 - 468 0165-1765 2012/09 [Reviewed]
     Scientific journal
  • 小野寺 敬; 浅子 和美; 田中 晋矢
    日経研月報(2011年5月号) 日本経済研究所 (395) 18 - 23 2011/05 Scientific journal
  • Eiji Kurozumi; Shinya Tanaka
    Journal of Time Series Analysis WILEY 31 (6) 415 - 426 0143-9782 2010/11 [Reviewed]
     Scientific journal

Books etc

  • 「都道府県別CIと全国の景気ーCPBIによる分析」(第五章)、『世界同時不況と景気循環分析』(浅子和美・飯塚信夫・宮川努編)
    分担執筆者; 浅子和美; 小野寺敬 (pp.85-108)東大出版会 2011 363

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