Researcher Database


Department of Economics Associate Professor
Last Updated :2024/10/21

Researcher Information


    Department of Economics

Job Title

  • Associate Professor


  • Ph.D.(2020/02 University of Western Ontario)


Research funding number

  • 20875067

J-Global ID

Research Areas

  • Humanities & social sciences / Public economics, labor economics
  • Humanities & social sciences / Economic policy

Academic & Professional Experience

  • 2020/10 - Today  Otaru University of CommerceFaculty of Commerce Department of EconomicsAssociate Professor
  • 2019/11 - 2020/09  Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry研究グループFellow


  • 2013/09 - 2019/11  Univesity of Western Ontario  Department of Economics
  • 2012/04 - 2016/09  Hitotsubashi University  Graduate School of Economics
  • 2010/04 - 2012/03  Hitotsubashi University  Graduate School of Economics
  • 2005/04 - 2010/03  Hitotsubashi University  Faculty of Economics

Association Memberships

  • Asian & Australasian Society of Labour Economics   Canadian Economic Association   American Economic Association   Society of Labor Economists   日本経済学会   

Published Papers

  • 小野塚祐紀
    日本労働研究雑誌 756 40 - 49 2023/07 [Invited]
     Scientific journal
  • 小野塚祐紀
    Japanese Journal of Labour Studies 742 91 - 103 2022/05 [Reviewed]
     Scientific journal
  • コロナショックへの企業の対応と政策支援措置―サーベイ調査に基づく分析
    植杉威一郎; 小野有人; 本田朋史; 荒木祥太; 内田浩史; 小野塚祐紀; 川口大司; 鶴田大輔; 深沼光; 細野薫; 宮川大介; 安田行宏; 家森信善
    経済研究 73 (2) 133 - 159 2022/04 [Reviewed]
     Scientific journal
  • Basic Skills or Major-Specific Knowledge? Sources of Wage Penalties for Working Outside the Major Field of Study
    Yuki Onozuka
    Journal of Labor Research 43 (1) 24 - 64 2022/03 [Reviewed]
     Scientific journal
  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症下における企業実態調査の概要
    植杉威一郎; 小野有人; 本田朋史; 荒木祥太; 内田浩史; 小野塚祐紀; 川口大司; 鶴田大輔; 深沼光; 細野薫; 宮川大介; 安田行宏; 家森信義
    RIETI Discussion Paper Series 2021/06
  • Who Is Admitted? College Selectivity and the Role of Recommendation-Based Admission
    Yuki Onozuka
    RIETI Discussion Paper Series 2020/10 Research institution
  • Essays on College Majors and Skills
    Yuki Onozuka
    Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository University of Western Ontario 6617 2019/11 Doctoral thesis
  • Shota Araki; Daiji Kawaguchi; Yuki Onozuka
    Labour Economics Elsevier BV 41 135 - 148 0927-5371 2016/08 [Reviewed]
     Scientific journal
  • The Gender Wage Gap and Sample Selection in Japan
    Yuki Onozuka
    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 39 53 - 72 2016/03 [Reviewed]
     Scientific journal

Conference Activities & Talks

  • Effects of Information Sources on Subjective Beliefs: Evidence from Predictions of the End of the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Yuki Onozuka
    2024 Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, East & Southeast Asia  2024/08
  • Yuki Onozuka
    AASLE 2023 Conference  2023/12
  • 小野塚祐紀
    日本経済学会2023年度秋季大会  2023/09
  • Effects of Information Sources on Subjective Beliefs: Evidence from Predictions of the End of the COVID-19 Pandemic
    関西労働研究会  2023/06
  • Basic Skills or Major-Specific Knowledge? Sources of Wage Penalties for Working Outside the Major Field of Study
    Yuki Onozuka
    15th International Triangle Symposium  2021/11
  • 小野塚祐紀
    小樽商科大学  2021/07
  • 小野塚祐紀
    日本経済学会2021年度春季大会  2021/05
  • 大学入試方法による学生の違い-出身高校ランクによる異質性
    小野塚 祐紀
    東京労働経済学研究会  2021/01
  • Differences in Admitted College Students Between Written Exam-Based Admissions and Recommendation-Based Admissions: Heterogeneity Across High School Ranks of Origin
    Yuki Onozuka
    Kyushu University  2020/12
  • 誰が入学しているのか:大学難易度と推薦・AO入試の役割
    経済産業研究所DP検討会  2020
  • Heterogeneous Skill Growth Across College Majors
    Yuki Onozuka
    Otaru University of Commerce  2019
  • Heterogeneous Skill Growth Across College Majors
    経済産業研究所  2019
  • Heterogeneous Skill Growth Across College Majors
    Yuki Onozuka
    Western Econmic Association International 94th Annual Conference  2019
  • Heterogeneous Skill Growth Across College Majors
    Yuki Onozuka
    The 53rd Canadian Economic Association Annual Conference  2019
  • Heterogeneous Skill Growth Across College Majors
    Yuki Onozuka
    The 2nd CREPE Conference on Program Evaluation  2019
  • Heterogeneous Skill Growth Across College Majors
    日本経済学会春季大会  2018
  • Basic Skills or Major-Specific Knowledge? Sources of Wage Penalties for Working Outside the Major Field of Study
    Yuki Onozuka
    OCGSE Launch Conference  2017
  • Basic Skills or Major-Specific Knowledge? Sources of Wage Penalties for Working Outside the Major Field of Study
    Yuki Onozuka
    The 51st Canadian Economics Association Annual Conference  2017
  • Basic Skills or Major-Specific Knowledge? Sources of Wage Penalties for Working Outside the Major Field of Study
    日本経済学会春季大会  2017
  • Basic Skills or Major-Specific Knowledge? Sources of Wage Penalties for Working Outside the Major Field of Study
    Yuki Onozuka
    Western Economics 50th Anniversary Conference  2016
  • Basic Skills or Major-Specific Knowledge? Sources of Wage Penalties for Working Outside the Major Field of Study
    Yuki Onozuka
    The 9th Trans-Pacific Labor Seminar Annual Meeting  2015
  • Illusive Improvement: Gender Wage Gap and Sample Selection in Japan
    Yuki Onozuka
    The 10th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference  2013
  • Illusive Improvement: Gender Wage Gap and Sample Selection in Japan
    ミクロデータから見た家計行動  2012
  • Illusive Improvement: Gender Wage Gap and Sample Selection in Japan
    Yuki Onozuka
    The 5th Trans-Pacific Labor Seminar Annual Meeting  2012
  • Illusive Improvement: Gender Wage Gap and Sample Selection in Japan
    日本経済学会春季大会  2012
  • Illusive Improvement: Gender Wage Gap and Sample Selection in Japan
    第7回応用計量経済学コンファレンス  2012
  • Illusive Improvement: Gender Wage Gap and Sample Selection in Japan
    ポリシー・モデリング・ワークショップ研究会  2012
  • Credit Constraints or Parental Backgrounds? Determinants of College Enrollment in Japan
    第14回労働経済学コンファレンス  2011
  • Credit Constraints or Parental Backgrounds? Determinants of College Enrollment in Japan
    東京経済研究センター・一橋大学GCOE・東京労働経済学ワークショップ共済コンファレンス「人的資本の早期形勢と経済格差の世代間継承」  2011
  • Credit Constraints or Parental Backgrounds? Determinants of College Enrollment in Japan
    第4回日本統計学会春季集会  2010
  • Social Participation and Unemployment
    Jenny Bennett; Yuki Onozuka
    The 10th International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development in Russia  2009


  • 大学学部内での研究者間ピア効果―ナチスドイツにおける研究者追放を利用した実証分析―
    小野塚祐紀  日本労働研究雑誌  626-  97  -98  2012/09  [Invited]
     Book review

Research Grants & Projects

Teaching Experience

  • 経済学入門II  (Otaru University of Commerce) 
  • Introduction to Empirical Studies  (Otaru University of Commerce) 
  • 3年ゼミ  (Otaru University of Commerce) 
  • Basic seminar  (Otaru University of Commerce) 
  • Econometrics I (ECON 2122A)  (University of Western Ontario) 

Social Contribution

  • 人々の新型コロナウイルス終息予想時期と行動
    Date (from-to) : 2021/05/26
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 独立行政法人 経済産業研究所
    Event, Program, Title : RIETI特別コラム
  • ビジネスプランコンペの事業開始・存続や事業拡大に与える影響について
    Date (from-to) : 2021/03/11
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 独立行政法人 経済産業研究所
    Event, Program, Title : RIETI EBPM Report
  • 非常時こそデータ収集を:大学での「オンライン授業」化から思うこと
    Date (from-to) : 2020/04/21
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 独立行政法人 経済産業研究所
    Event, Program, Title : RIETI特別コラム
  • AIには難しい「コミュ力」:社会スキルを伸ばすには
    Date (from-to) : 2020/03/07
    Sponser, Organizer, Publisher  : 東洋経済新報社
    Event, Program, Title : 週刊東洋経済

Academic Contribution

  • 東京労働経済学研究会 幹事
    Date (from-to) :2023/04/01-2025/03/31
  • 第27回労働経済学カンファレンス プログラム委員
    Date (from-to) :2024/09/14
  • Summer Workshop on Economic Theory (SWET) 2024 労働経済学セッション 司会
    Date (from-to) :2024/08/06
  • 第26回労働経済学カンファレンス プログラム委員
    Date (from-to) :2023/09/15
  • SWET2023 労働経済学セッション 司会
    Date (from-to) :2023/08/07
  • Industrial Relations
  • Labour Economics
  • Journal of Labor Research
  • Japan and the World Economy
  • Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
  • 日本労働研究雑誌
  • Japanese Economic Review


  • 2022/04 - Today 経済学科研究会(土曜研究会)幹事
  • 2024/04 -2026/03 CGS教育支援部門大学院教育開発専門部会
  • 2022/04 -2026/03 アドミッションセンター運営会議センター兼任教員
  • 2022/04 -2025/03 アドミッションセンター入試広報・高大連携委員会委員
  • 2024/02 出前講義
  • 2022/01 -2022/05 計量経済学等担当教員選考委員会委員
  • 2021/04 -2022/03 入試広報・高大連携委員会委員
  • 2021/04 -2022/03 札幌サテライト運営委員会委員

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